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--- R E A D M E ! ---
As I've never met another AMOS user before, I thought I would include an ASCII
file through which I could talk to other Amosites, so here it is!
A Note On My Programming
I try to write well structured and understandable code, but sometimes I get
carried away just trying to make some part of a program I've written work, and
the listing appears a tangled mess of commands and meaningless variables, with
few remarks. I hope this isn't too much of a problem for fellow programmers.
I, myself, have found it hard to comprehend other people's code which is why I
rarely look at (and never use) it, instead just bunging the disk in and running
the program. I feel this is due to everyone seemingly prefering a different
form of structure (a factor often determined by individual programming hist-
ories) and having different methods of constructing labels and variable names.
It takes time to get used to these differing dialects, and often having to make
these adaptions is simply off-putting.
About Me And My Problems (yawn...)
I've had AMOS since Christmas 1990 (has it been that long!) this disk's worth of
programs is all I have to show for it. Sigh! I guess I've always been just too
ambitious with my projects. Anyhow, one game I started, but got stuck on (a
suped up version of that Nintendo CBS ColecoVision game of the early 80's,
"Ladybug") is also on this disk (there are two versions) along with the mapper
program I use to make the levels (the map window is so small because it was
initially created for a larger, scrolling version of "Ladybug"). I thought that
I might as well fill up some empty disk space with anything else I had that
could be of interest to others, so I also put two IFF pictures I've drawn in the
Pics drawer. One is of a character from the Japanese movie, "Akira", and the
other is an altered version of the "Twentieth Century Fox" logo (For my sister's
birthday two years ago, I made a video up for her, heading it with this picture
which was animated on Deluxe Paint III to have swinging spotlights and exploding
fire crackers!) which you could change for yourself (I traced it as well as I
could from a TV set and because I didn't have a monitor then, the colours don't
blend that well).
The extensions I have are AMOS 3D (which I bought in early 1992 and have yet to
utilise), D-Sam (from "Amiga Computing" magazine) and the Compiler (which I just
got from the cover of "CU Amiga" with AMOS 1.35 for just $10.80!). I had tried
to make a bootable disk with all these programs and a menu selector myself, but
I was having problems with the menu program not loading up any uncompiled progs.
I have compiled some programs as AMOS files, so you'll need the compiler exten-
sion to use them anyway!
I would like to buy TOME, but I feel I'd better make use of AMOS 3D first.
Anyone out there who knows how I can create a 3D world of rooms and buildings
that I can walk through without the 3D drawing becoming corrupt (Ah, to create
my own Freescape adventure masterpiece!), or who has a knowledge of gyroscopic
physics and so a procedure to change an objects attitude through its yaw and
roll, not just angles A, B and C, please contact me - I would very much apprec-
iate the help!
My Future Involvement With The PD Library
I am working on, what I would call, one of the greatest adventure parsers to
be seen in the AMOS world (but then I would say that, wouldn't I?). It's based
on the parser used in Infocom adventures (it allows for multiple objects and
commands, allows you to command other characters (e.g. Say to Farmer, "Give me
the pitchfork."), it guesses what you mean if your commands are ambiguous and
you need only enter an adjective at the next prompt if there are multiple
objects around of the same sort to which you could be refering to). I'm going
to try and make inputting all the neccesary data as easy and friendly as poss-
ible, probably by using my input procedures! Which reminds me: Lookout for my
next collection of input procedures, allowing for word processing type window
text input, and scrolling list windows as used by the file selector (which I
will attempt to create an attractive version of).
Want To Contact Me?
No? Well I don't really blame you. But why not give a poor unemployed soul a
hand with his programming before he does something rash. Maybe I can help you
out too! All mail will be answered! So, any programmers (especially in
Western Australia) who would like to contact me, I can be reach at the following
address and phone number:
Address: Mr Glenn N Babic
99 Jones Street
Phone: (09) 349 0234
I hope there's something amongst these programs you like. Until next time...
- Glenn N Babic
Reg. #1646